Monday, October 18, 2010

teacher questions

1.How do you feel about merrit pay?
-No merrit pay is unfair,and no one wants to teach low achieving students.
2.Anything you want to change or make better at this school?
-less testing give teachers more autonomy.
3.What other name besides eagles would you want to be called?
-Lions or bears,I like the paw prints!
4.Should more girls be involved in softball?
5.What other clubs or activities should be added?
-Speech,mock trials,and debate clubs
6.Should teachers and staff get longer lunches?
-That would be great, but it extends the day.
7.Should we get out early and start later?
-No!Although,later is better for most students.
8.Should there be more assemblies?
-That would be nice, but they wont let us cut into instructional time.More could cause distruption,students wont appreciate them.
9.More field trips for education?
-Field trips would be great but no funding.
10.Should every teacher provide after or before school tutoring?
-No they are already already swamped with prep to teach.

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